Christmas is just around the corner and we’re back in the UK after a brief visit to Florida for thanksgiving. Whilst I was there I played couple of Open Mics, but the high spot was a gig at Jr’s Old Packinghouse in Sarasota on 27th November where I played a full set with lots of guest musicians, and friends playing. It’s a night I’ll remember for a long time, and my daughter Josie was there and took some great photos, a couple of which can be seen below, featuring Ted and Rico .
Earlier this week we met up with a group of old friends in Wantage and I had the rare opportunity to get together and play a short set with Pete Young and Gus Mills. No rehearsal, so we kept to 3 well known upbeat songs, “Swan Lake”, “Mad World” and “Wild World”. The wonderful Andy Boyd captured this moment on video and you’d like to see it, click here Shoulder of Mutton 17.12.19
Pete and I will be playing again in January on the 12th (Yes 2020 !) at The Seven Stars in Bristol for a more original set and to start the New Year on a good note.
Finally I have been busy recording parts for the New Album , which will be out in the spring, but took a break to record a couple of fun demo tracks.
An alternative take on “The Swamp ” which we premiered at the Packinghouse.This will appear on the new album in a very different arrangement. The song is a political comment on the nature of development taking place in Florida at the time in which we left. Green spaces were disappearing rapidly and natural habitats being destroyed to build more and more holiday housing. The rest is in the song !
Finally my version of a song by Andy Davis, from my home town of Bath that we also premiered at the Packinghouse. It was a hit in the 80’s for The Korgis, but I love the song in this stripped down format . Andy currently plays this with DLM who are worth checking out DLM
That’s it for now Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . See you in 2020 !!!
Very nice Alan and well done, so very sorry I missed you guys, I was a bit busy putting 4000 miles on my Jeep. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY…❤️⚓️
Awesome song Alan! Love the harmonies in almost XMas!!! Beautiful! ❤️
Alan—This posting is a treasure I will soon unwrap. What a lovely gift to all of your friends & fans! Exciting!
Beautiful song with a strong message! Great words and I would love to learn it one day when you can teach me!